Human resources and payroll

The experts at KPG & Stryjska strongly believe that flawless and systematic calculation of employee remuneration and keeping of employee files intact not only has its meaning in regard to the possible inspections, but also helps in the daily operations of a business. Diligence in keeping the HR and payroll documentation is essential for the positive image of the employer as well as proper relations with the employees. We provide our customers with professional and complete service in regard to HR and payroll questions:


  • Drawing up of:
    • application and settlement documents for social insurance
    • documents for the State Fund for Rehabilitation

      of People with Disabilities

    • drawing up PIT-4R, PIT-11, PIT-8AR, IFT tax returns
    • payrolls
  • Calculation of the employee remuneration
  • Keeping employee personal files
  • Drawing up employment contracts, certificates of employment and declarations for employees

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